To be admitted to the final examination, the student must have earned all credits in the plan of study - excluding 18 CFUs dedicated to thesis preparation. The final examination consists of the presentation and discussion of a thesis written by the student in English.
The student must identify a professor as supervisor (Relatore) in order to carry out the thesis internship. The two will then agree the topic of the thesis and the laboratory/clinic where the internship will be performed. If the request is accepted, the professor can possibly assign a tutor who will perform the role of co-supervisor (Correlatore) during the thesis presentation.
The Laurea Magistralis diploma issued by the university will constitute both an academic title and a title giving permission to practice medicine and surgery, provided that the student has previously obtained a positive evaluation in the Practical Evaluative Traineeship (Tirocinio Pratico Valutativo).
Find indications on how to submit the graduation request form here.
More information about the calculation of the final score are indicated in the Didactic Regulation of your cohort at the art.14.
Consult the internal guidelines below for the preparation of the paper.